October newsletter

puer tea, chia, and ginger jpg

October greetings friend,

One of the best things about working 10 years in the puer tea
business is that we continually learn about this amazing tea and
apply this knowledge to improve people’s lives. It is special when a
customer takes the time and care to share his or her story with us.
Recently more and more people have told us that they have stopped
taking statin drugs and blood sugar medications due to bad side
effects. They have started drinking our tea to improve their health.
Here is Margaret’s statin story:

Puer tea cholesterol, blood sugar testimonial

For cholesterol and blood sugar control we recommend:

2009 Superior loose puer tea

We have reorganized our health benefits section to make it easier to
find the information you are looking for. Hope you check it out:

Health Benefits of Puer Tea

We also recommend PuerChia™, also known as PuerhChia® and
Pu-erhChia®. Pure Puer Tea invented this concept, and believes in
this combination so much that we have a registered US trademark on
the name! The Mila® chia is available at a new lower price. Each
bag lasts about 35 days and is the best chia we have found. Compared
to other brands, it has a superior taste, is not bitter, provides
more energy, satiates hunger more quickly, and is the easiest on the
stomach. This combination of two raw, whole, ancient superfoods can
do so much to help lower the ever-increasing cost of healthcare.


On Saturday, November 6th please join us in San Francisco for the 5th
Annual San Francisco International Tea Festival at the Fort Mason
Center for Arts and Culture 10:30AM to 5PM. We are one of the few
vendors who has participated in this event every year. This is the
first time that the event will be held at Fort Mason. Tickets may be
purchased online in advance, or at the door.

6th Annual SF International Tea Festival

Your partners in health,

Larry and Yang Su
Pure Puer Tea

– http://www.purepuer.com

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