New Items and 5 Days Remaining Holiday Sale

Only 5 days remaining in the Pure Puer Holiday Sale! We have added
some new teaware including yixing teapots and containers
that we hope you will enjoy.  Also, recently we have been getting
very positive feedback from some of our customers about the
anti-inflammatory properties of our black puer for arthritis such as
carpal tunnel, nerve pain, and gout (excess uric acid.) If you would
like to give a gift of possible relief from arthritis inflammation we
suggest you try:

2014 Superior Black Puer Tea

2015 Fu Gui Black Puer Tea Cake

If you would like to learn more about the anti-inflammatory
properties of puer tea please check our health benefits section and
scroll down.  Both these teas may also be good for improving
cholesterol, lowering blood sugar and weight loss as well.

Health Benefits of Puer


Larry and Yang Su

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