Antonio After Drinking Pure Puer Tea for 4 Years

After 4 years of drinking our tea, Antonio tells how he has used Pure Puer Tea to lower his blood sugar and blood pressure and has avoided having to take medication that his doctor had prescribed to him. He also has lost about 55 pounds and has managed to keep the weight off eating a healthy and normal diet. Antonio takes no medications. Interestingly, Antonio exercised regularly when he had high blood sugar and high blood pressure, but has not exercised since drinking our tea. Diabetes runs in his family. His mother and brother have severe diabetes.

Antonio also relates how his brother in Mexico used Pure Puer Tea to lower his dangerously high levels of uric acid. His brother’s doctor was giving him medication to lower his uric acid. He was in so much pain in his legs that he could barely walk. After drinking Pure Puer Tea for about 3 months his uric acid level is now normal and he can now walk without pain.

A recent study has found that puer tea may help to reduce urid acid levels in mice:

puer tea uric acid study

Antonio’s brother’s mother-in-law was taking insulin for diabetes. After drinking Pure Puer Tea for only about 3 months and testing her blood sugar, she is no longer taking insulin.

One Response to Antonio After Drinking Pure Puer Tea for 4 Years

  1. Jonathon Storjohann says:

    I am thrilled to know puerh tea is excellent on uric acid. I myself had a high amount of uric acid but I’m back on puerh tea. Trying to totally quit alcohol drinking. I’ve drank for almost 30 years. I’m almost done with it.

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