Puer Tea for Weight Control During Stay at Home

Recently my youngest son, who is about one third my age, was preparing to go on a trip to do some rigorous physical training with a select group.  He asked if he could borrow some shoes and pants.  It turns out that he can not only wear my shoes, but we wear the exact same pants size.  That made his dad feel pretty good.

It made me think of all the people recently who have asked me if puer tea is good for weight loss.  Even in the current stay-at-home environment, and with me not going to my old gym to work out, I have managed to keep the weight off.  Here is how I do it:

1) The PuerhChia® or Pu-erhChia® breakfast/meal.  Every morning I eat 2 hard-boiled eggs and the PuerhChia® breakfast.  It takes me from about 6-6:30AM to about 12 to 12:30PM and gives me huge energy on about 70 calories, not including the eggs.  Basically it is just the 2014 Superior Black Puer combined with 2 tablespoons of chia seeds.  Yes, I use a certain brand of chia. I continue to drink the tea itself throughout the day and evening.

To learn more about how it works and to get some read here:


2) Limit the amount of sugar you consume. I don’t add sugar, I don’t eat a lot of sweets.

3) Eat till you are full, but don’t eat because you are bored or stuff yourself.

4) Exercise.  At least 3 times a week.  I like to lift weights, do some yoga, pull ups and my cardio right now consists of a 3 1/2 mile run, or 1/2 hour on the Nordic Track ski machine followed by 15 minutes of stationary cycling.

This keeps me pretty fit and at my college weight.

I believe the easiest way to control your weight is through diet.

2014 Superior Loose Puer Tea

Glass Travel Buddy 601

Take your PuerhChia® on the go. Great for mixing the chia seed in the tea.

–Larry and Yang Su

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