A Short Video by director Denali Chin

A Fathers’ Day message from Larry Chin and a short video by director
Denali Chin.

“To all Dads reading this– Enjoy life, enjoy tea, enjoy family with
kids. Teach them about healthy living, take care of yourself so you
can enjoy a long, happy life with your kids. I will share a short
film directed by my son, Denali Chin. In the future, I may share
some climbing shots taken by my other son, Keva Chin.

I have written an ebook. It contains 14 years of information that
you can use to improve your life and that of your family. It will be
one of the best investments in your health that you will ever make.
Happy Fathers’ Day from one dad to another.”

–Larry Chin

Ebook Health Benefits of Puer Tea: Living with Living Tea


2018 Cang Xiang Black Puer Tea Cake


2014 Xui Ji Black Puer Tea Cake

2017 One Sprout Cake

Piao I 865 Teapot

2 Responses to A Short Video by director Denali Chin

  1. larryc says:

    We are doing well Miguel. We’re glad that you liked the video. An early Happy Fathers’ Day to you!

    — Larry

  2. Miguel says:

    Nice video with Denali! BTW I’ll be ordering some more tea soon. Hope you all are doing good!

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