Black tea kills the COVID-19 virus in vitro in this recent study. According to Dr. Qiao Gui Bing, Director of Thoracic Surgery and Oncology of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, when the COVID-19 virus is placed in water, then exposed to tea water for 30 seconds, 90% of the virus is destroyed. Within 10 minutes […]
PuerhChia® A 10-12 hour drive (one way) from Santa Rosa, CA to La Jolla in San Diego and back fueled by PuerhChia®, Pu-erhChia®.
Sharon said that using the Piao I Travel Buddy 601 Infuser Bottle to brew and mix her PuerhChia® Pu-erhChia® made it even more enjoyable and easy.
Sharon in January, 2021 Sharon 2 years ago. Sharon 2 years ago, after 3 months of drinking Pure Puer Tea. 20 Pounds lighter, A1C stabilized.
This painting is part of her new collection, Conversations with Quietude, coming out Feb 18th! To read our previous feature of Camille and her thoughts about puer and the creative process, click the link below:
News Release 30-Nov-2020 Chemical compounds in foods can inhibit a key SARS-CoV-2 enzyme North Carolina State University Research News Chemical compounds in foods or beverages like green tea, muscadine grapes and dark chocolate can bind to and block the function of a particular enzyme, or protease, in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to a new study by […]
Our 2020 Holiday Sale is here! From now until midnight Dec 24th, everything on our website is 10% off. $50 free shipping. Watch this video to see how to open up a puer tea tong (normally 7 cakes wrapped in bamboo.) 2014 Fu Gui Black CakeDeveloping a nice earthiness, rich body, from an area […]
Enjoying a spontaneous tea time with acupuncturist Viola Huang-Beck on this beautiful October Sonoma County day. Please allow a moment for the slideshow to load. Hi resolution pictures are worth the wait! Place mouse over pic for full screen and navigation controls.
The Sebastopol Farmers’ Market, of which Larry is the treasurer, just won the 2020 Reader’s Choice Award for the best farmers’ market in Sonoma County!
Paul Brown 4 years after drinking Pure Puer Tea and 40 pounds lighter. He also improved his cholesterol, blood sugar and dramatically improved his PSA (prostate cancer marker.) Watch Paul Brown’s first interview 2014 Superior Loose Puer Tea 2015 Fu Gui Black Cake 2017 One Sprout Two Leaves Cake Mila Chia for PuerhChia® Pu-erhChia® breakfast/meal […]
Our thanks to acupuncturist Viola Huang-Beck of and for providing us with the following information. Rice vinegar puer is used to strengthen the lungs during these times. Watch the video and read the post that follows. Viola also mentioned that puer tea helps improve circulation. This is important because Covid-19 can cause blood […]
We are not at the Sebastopol Farmers’ Market today. We are fine and our website is operating normally. If you need something let us know. Also, the market closes early today at 12. Be well.
Recently my youngest son, who is about one third my age, was preparing to go on a trip to do some rigorous physical training with a select group. He asked if he could borrow some shoes and pants. It turns out that he can not only wear my shoes, but we wear the exact same […]
At Pure Puer, we have always focused on healthy living. For years we have used essential oils for a myriad of health needs for our family, for our pets and for natural cleaning. We always seek products that lead to a more natural and less toxic lifestyle, products that are better for the planet. Quality […]
A Fathers’ Day message from Larry Chin and a short video by directorDenali Chin. “To all Dads reading this– Enjoy life, enjoy tea, enjoy family withkids. Teach them about healthy living, take care of yourself so youcan enjoy a long, happy life with your kids. I will share a shortfilm directed by my son, Denali […]
BOSTON (May 5, 2020)—Older adults who consumed small amounts of flavonoid-rich foods, such as berries, apples and tea, were two to four times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias over 20 years compared with people whose intake was higher, according to a new study led by scientists at the Jean […]
How to use your old puer tea leaves and rinse water from brewing in your garden or flower bed. Wait overnight, then add to garden.
“I wake up every morning and pour myself a cup of tea before beginning my day in the studio. Drinking tea is a ritual just as integral to my artistic practice as mixing paint. I love the way it soothes and warms me, settling me into my body as I begin my day. Puer is […]
Hi Friend, During these challenging times we at Pure Puer Tea will do our part to make the health benefits of puer available to as many people as possible. Till the end of April, we will offer free shipping to orders of $50 or more instead of $100. Stay healthy, drink lots of tea, and […]
You know the beautiful reddish amber color that we often look for in black puer? It may be more than just beautiful, it may help protect you from coronaviruses. According to this 2005 Taiwan study, tannic acid and theaflavin in puer tea and traditional (baked) black tea created from enzymatic oxidation of tea leaves inhibited […]