Larry and Yang Su would like to get to know you. We welcome your questions and comments. We personally respond to your questions, usually in the same day, and we are available seven days a week. Orders may be placed online or offline. Email is a good way to contact us, as we check it throughout the day and evening.
We are happy to provide you with our personal suggestions that are appropriate for your individual tastes, health goals, needs, lifestyle and budget.
EMAIL: admin@PurePuer.com This email address is for customers only. Please do not email us with solicitations for web services or solicitations of any other kind. Email is the best way to contact us so if you don't get us on the phone, please email us and we usually get the message immediately.
TEL: 415-924-PUER(7837) in the USA.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Our blog (see link on menu on left), Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (purepuertea).
We speak English, Chinese and Spanish.
Se habla Español.
Every Saturday 8:30AM to 1PM, at the Santa Rosa Original Certified Farmer's Market on 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. It is at the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts parking lot. From US 101 North take the River Road Exit towards Guerneville. Then take a right onto Mark West Springs Road. Parking is free and abundant.
Every Sunday10AM-2PM, at the Sebastopol Farmers Market, downtown Sebastopol, CA. See our Facebook page for monthly schedule or email or call us for schedule.
The markets are only minutes away from the Charles Schultz-Sonoma County Airport (STS). Direct flights to this airport are available from Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Seattle, Portland and Phoenix. Sonoma County Airport. We are about a one hour drive north of the Golden Gate Bridge.
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