Irma talks puer tea, PuerChia™, weight loss, energy, cleansing, great lab results
Irma talks puer tea, PuerChia™, weight loss, energy, cleansing, great lab results

Irma talks puer tea, PuerChia™, weight loss, energy, cleansing, great lab results

Mikey and Luana, PuerChia™, PuerhChia®, Pu-erhChia® testimonial
Mikey and Luana, PuerChia™, PuerhChia®, Pu-erhChia® testimonial

Mikey, a Harvard grad, tech savy, health and anti-aging advocate, and wife dancer and dance professor Luana, describe their PuerChia™, PuerhChia®, and Pu-erhChia® experience.

Last day of 2016 Holiday Sale, featured item
Last day of 2016 Holiday Sale, featured item

  Hi Friend, Our 2016 Holiday Sale ends midnight Pacific Standard Time, tonight, Dec. 20th. Today’s featured item is the unique, new, Piao I® Travel Buddy® Glass Infuser bottles. We have one without a straw: Travel buddy without straw and one with auto-straw: Travel buddy with auto-straw The bottles are made in Taiwan, made of […]

Pure Puer Tea enjoyed in Flaa, Norway
Pure Puer Tea enjoyed in Flaa, Norway

Pure Puer Tea ships all over the world. Every once in a while something about an order catches our eye. We asked our good customer Ole, from Flaa, Norway to send us a picture of where he lives. Ole recently took advantage of our 2016 Holiday Sale. (Only 2 days left!) His farm is picture […]

Puer Puer Tea 2016 Holiday Sale new items
Puer Puer Tea 2016 Holiday Sale new items

Hi Friend, Only a few days remaining for our Pure Puer Tea 2016 Holiday Sale! All online orders from now to Dec 20th will automatically receive a 10% discount. Here are some elegant NEW gift ideas, just added since we announced our sale: 2009 Wang Xian Hao Green Puer tea cake 2009 Wang Xian Hao […]

2016 Holiday Sale
2016 Holiday Sale

Season's Greetings Friend,      Our Pure Puer Tea 2016 Holiday Sale is here!  All online orders from Dec 1st to Dec 20th will automatically receive a 10% discount. Here are some gift ideas: Choose from our black loose tea collection: Black Loose Puer Our black teacake selection: Black teacakes If you would like to add […]

Join us at the 5th Annual SF International Tea Festival Sun Nov 6, Fort Mason
Join us at the 5th Annual SF International Tea Festival Sun Nov 6, Fort Mason

Join us at the 5th Annual SF International Tea Festival Sun Nov 6 10:30AM-5PM, Fort Mason Gallery 308. Pure Puer Tea is one of the select few vendors who has attended the event every year.

Study showing regular consumption of puer tea associated with reduced body fat and lipid profile

Clin Interv Aging. 2016 Mar 24;11:367-76. doi: 10.2147/CIA.S94881. eCollection 2016. Reduction of body fat and improved lipid profile associated with daily consumption of a Puer tea extract in a hyperlipidemic population: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Jensen GS1, Beaman JL1, He Y2, Guo Z2, Sun H3. Author information 1NIS Labs, Klamath Falls, OR, USA. 2Modern TCM […]

Study showing that puer tea may be effective for improving obesity, blood lipids, blood sugar, immunity and oxidation

Chin J Integr Med. 2011 Jul;17(7):492-8. doi: 10.1007/s11655-011-0781-4. Epub 2011 Jul 3. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study of Pu’er tea extract on the regulation of metabolic syndrome. Chu SL1, Fu H, Yang JX, Liu GX, Dou P, Zhang L, Tu PF, Wang XM. Author information Abstract OBJECTIVE: To explore the regulative efficacy of Pu’er tea […]

Pu-erh tea polysaccharides decrease blood sugar by inhibition of ?-glucosidase activity in vitro and in mice

Food Funct. 2015 May;6(5):1539-46. doi: 10.1039/c4fo01025f. Pu-erh tea polysaccharides decrease blood sugar by inhibition of ?-glucosidase activity in vitro and in mice. Deng YT1, Lin-Shiau SY, Shyur LF, Lin JK. Author information Abstract Type 2 diabetes is mainly induced by environmental factors such as being overweight, decreased physical activity and inbalanced energy metabolism, such as […]

October newsletter
October newsletter

October greetings friend, One of the best things about working 10 years in the puer tea business is that we continually learn about this amazing tea and apply this knowledge to improve people’s lives. It is special when a customer takes the time and care to share his or her story with us. Recently more […]

Yang Su interviewed by Fresh Princess at National Heirloom Exposition
Yang Su interviewed by Fresh Princess at National Heirloom Exposition
Puer tea as an alternative or complement to statin drugs; a testimonial

For some years I had taken the statin drug Atorvastatin* to control my cholesterol but stopped taking the drug around April of this year as it was making me feel ill, lightheaded, nauseous,—just a general feeling of weak all over. I had to lie down for an hour or two, but when I skipped the […]

Donica and the Piao I Travel Buddy Infuser Bottle with Auto-Straw
Donica and the Piao I Travel Buddy Infuser Bottle with Auto-Straw

Puer tea drinker Donica enjoying the day with her new Piao I Travel Buddy infuser bottle with auto-straw at the Sebastopol Farmers Market.

Pure Puer Tea at National Heirloom Exposition Santa Rosa, CA Sept 6-9 booth 141 Vendor Hall 10AM-9PM
Pure Puer Tea at National Heirloom Exposition Santa Rosa, CA Sept 6-9 booth 141 Vendor Hall 10AM-9PM

The National Heirloom Exposition Come see us today!

New study finds the EGCG in green tea may inhibit Zika virus entry

This study was published on the National Institute of Health PubMed website: The green tea molecule EGCG inhibits Zika virus entry. Carneiro BM1, Batista MN2, Braga AC2, Nogueira ML3, Rahal P2. Author information Abstract During ZIKV the outbreak in Brazil it was observed an increase of almost 20 times the number of reported cases of […]

Antonio PuerChia™ weight loss testimonial
Antonio PuerChia™ weight loss testimonial

Antonio lost 45 pounds and improved his cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and energy level with the PuerChia™, also known as PuerhChia® and Pu-erhChia®, breakfast/meal concept.

2015 Holiday Sale
2015 Holiday Sale

Welcome to the 2015 Pure Puer Tea holiday sale!  From now until Dec 21 everything purchased on our website is 10% off our regular prices.  As usual, orders of $100 or more ship for free.  Here are some holiday ideas.  We have more of our very popular 2008 Third Grade Cake back in stock.  This […]

Pure Puer Tea at the SF International Tea Festival Sunday, 9-27-15, 2nd Floor of the Ferry Building, 10am-5pm.
Pure Puer Tea at the SF International Tea Festival Sunday, 9-27-15, 2nd Floor of the Ferry Building, 10am-5pm.
Pure Puer Tea fan Michelle Anna Jordan has released 6 new cookbooks
Pure Puer Tea fan Michelle Anna Jordan has released 6 new cookbooks

Michelle starts every day with Pure Puer Tea. Here are some ideas of how you can create your own culinary delights!

Pure Puer Tea representing Piao I Enterprises at the 2015 World Tea Expo May 6-8, Long Beach
Pure Puer Tea representing Piao I Enterprises at the 2015 World Tea Expo May 6-8, Long Beach

Join us in Long Beach, CA for the 2015 World Tea Expo May 6-8. Pure Puer Tea, also known as Piao I USA, will be representing Piao I Enterprises. Come see us as we introduce some exciting new products!

6 Hours remaining in Pure Puer Tea’s online holiday sale
6 Hours remaining in Pure Puer Tea's online holiday sale

Sale ends at 12 midnight tonight PST. Gift certificates available:

Only 5 days left for holiday sale! Pure Puer Tea 10% holiday discount on all online orders till midnight Dec 20 PST.  As always, free shipping for orders of $100 or more shipped in the US.  Both rewards exclude shipping and taxes. Just visit us online, shop, and save.  No discount codes needed.  Discount will […]

Pure Puer Tea Holiday Sale 2014
Pure Puer Tea Holiday Sale 2014

Season’s greetings! Pure Puer Tea 10% holiday discount on all online orders till midnight Dec 20 PST.  As always, free shipping for orders of $100 or more shipped in the US.  Both rewards exclude shipping and taxes. Just visit us online, shop, and save.  No discount codes needed.  Discount will automatically be applied in the […]

2014 Lijiang Yunnan Trip
2014 Lijiang Yunnan Trip

These pictures were taken in and around Lijiang China, in the province of Yunnan.  Lijiang is located in the northwest part of Yunnan, close to the Himalayas.  For centuries traders have journeyed on this route, known as the highest and longest trading route in the world, from Yunnan China to Tibet.  The Chinese Emperors traded […]

Pure Puer Tea at the 3rd Annual San Francisco International Tea Festival Nov 16, 2014
Pure Puer Tea at the 3rd Annual San Francisco International Tea Festival Nov 16, 2014

Join us this Sunday, November 16th, 2nd floor of the Ferry Building, for the 3rd Annual San Francisco International Tea Festival, 10AM-5PM. Enter the promotion code: Pure to receive 20% off the price of admission Buy tea festival tickets This is a fun event for us, hope to see you there!

Pure Puer Tea Second Interview with Michele Anna Jordan
Puer Puer Tea is traveling in Asia. Orders placed after 12 noon PST July 14 will be shipped after we return on August 3.

Puer Puer Tea is traveling in Asia.  Orders placed after 12 noon PST July 14 will be shipped after we return on August 3.

Join Pure Puer at the JCC San Francisco, Thursday, April 10, 10am-2pm
Join Pure Puer at the JCC San Francisco, Thursday, April 10, 10am-2pm

  Join Pure Puer Tea in San Francisco, on Thurs, April 10th 10am-2pm at the Jewish Community Center for the 7th Annual Art of Aging Gracefully Resource Fair, sponsored by UCSF Medical Center. Presentations by UCSF medical experts on healthy living. Topics include: Sexual health and the aging woman, How not to have a heart […]

Tea Area in 5 Star Chengdu Hotel
Tea Area in 5 Star Chengdu Hotel

In the Han dynasty, Chengdu was one of the three capital cities in the Three Kingdoms of Romance. It followed the Dao philosophy for thousands of years. Today Chengdu mixes the old and new so well. I visited a 5 star hotel. The founder dreamed of being an artist but ended up becoming a business […]

Chengdu Flea Market
Chengdu Flea Market

The city of Chengdu is over 2000 years old. The history is everywhere and antiques abound. I have been to this flea market many times because many tea houses are in this area. Here you can find many antiques, but 9 of 10 are fake. You can find old paintings, china, jade….. even teapots. I […]

Puer Tea in Chengdu
Puer Tea in Chengdu

My friend and I visited a new Puer tea vendor. I was told the average 357g Puer tea cake here costs $2500 USD. This price is for relatively young Puer (tea which hasn’t been aged for a long time.) The owner gave us a very extensive tasting. I tried their aged Te Guan Yin ( […]

March 2014 Chengdu tea Room
March 2014 Chengdu tea Room

    In a tea city such as Chengdu, tea already seems to be an integral part of life. I pass by a hotel lobby and I am not surprised to see a big tea room just for the guests. The other side of the lobby is Starbucks Coffee. I came early in the morning […]

Pure Puer Tea will not be at Santa Rosa Farmers Market today, Feb 8

We will not be at the Santa Rosa Farmers Market today Saturday Feb 8, due to the (much needed) rain. Orders may be placed online.

January 28 Tea Tasting
January 28 Tea Tasting

We will have a tea tasting on January 28th (Tuesday) between 1-4pm. This time we will taste the organic Oolong teas and some Puer. If you would like to reserve a place we ask for a donation of $15 per person to cover our costs. Please email or call us as at 415-924-7837 as seating […]

Michele Anna Jordan on Pure Puer Tea
Michele Anna Jordan on Pure Puer Tea

    This is what award-winning food writer, radio talk show host, and author Michele Anna Jordan wrote about Pure Puer Tea in her latest “Mouthful” column in the Santa Rosa, CA Press Democrat Newspaper: Pure Puer and King Cakes: On Sunday morning, when the Sebastopol Farmers Market returns to its traditional space in the parking […]

Happy New Year From Puer Puer Tea!
Happy New Year From Puer Puer Tea!

Copyright 2014 Pure Puer Tea. Artwork by Keva, Larry and Denali Chin.

A Pure Puer Thanks to Chef Judy Rodgers of Zuni Cafe
A Pure Puer Thanks to Chef Judy Rodgers of Zuni Cafe

Yang Su and Larry would like to express our condolences to the family of Judy Rodgers, to the staff of the Zuni Cafe, and to all who knew and loved her.  Judy passed away earlier this month after a long illness.  She had recently discovered and enjoyed our tea, and was gracious enough to suggest […]

Pure Puer Tea Gift Certificates for last minute gifts
Pure Puer Tea Gift Certificates for last minute gifts

For that last minute gift or if you can’t decide what to give, consider our Pure Puer gift certificate. You can immediately email the certificate with a message or print out the certificate yourself 24×7. Your loved one, friend or colleague can contact us for expert and personalized advice regarding tea selection, brewing and storage […]

2013 St Ignatius Church, San Francisco, USF Fromm Center Holiday Boutique
2013 St Ignatius Church, San Francisco, USF Fromm Center Holiday Boutique

This event was held on Dec 15, 2013. We had fun meeting the members of the church and people from the public. It is quite beautiful to see the sunrise on the church.

2013 Marin General Hospital and Pure Puer Tea Holiday Tea
2013 Marin General Hospital and Pure Puer Tea Holiday Tea

On December 12, 2013 people came to the Wellness Center to enjoy and learn about puer tea, eat great food (many dishes prepared by nutritionist Sharon Meyer herself), to celebrate the holiday season, and purchase gifts for friends and loved ones. Pictured in the group photo (first slide in slideshow) are: L to R, 1) […]

Tamalpais Community Acupuncture and Pure Puer Tea for the Holidays
Tamalpais Community Acupuncture and Pure Puer Tea for the Holidays

This is Amie and Chalita’s newsletter.   

Pure Puer Tea 2013 Online Holiday Sale
Pure Puer Tea 2013 Online Holiday Sale

    Season’s greetings! Pure Puer Tea 10% holiday discount on all online orders till midnight Dec 20 PST. As always, free shipping for orders of $100 or more shipped in the US. Both rewards exclude shipping and taxes. Just visit us online, shop, and save. No discount codes needed. Discount will automatically be applied […]

Pure Puer Tea and Marin General Hospital Holiday Event 12-12-13
Pure Puer Tea and Marin General Hospital Holiday Event 12-12-13

Pure Puer Tea and the Marin General Hospital Center for Integrative Health and Wellness will have a holiday event with a discussion from nutritionist Sharon Meyer and Pure Puer Tea about the health benefits of tea. Puer tea and teaware will be available for tasting and purchase for holiday gift giving. Thursday, Dec 12, 5:30-6:30. […]

Pure Puer Tea at St. Ignatius Church 5th Annual Holiday Boutique, Dec 15, San Francisco 8:30-5
Pure Puer Tea at St. Ignatius Church 5th Annual Holiday Boutique, Dec 15, San Francisco 8:30-5
Pure Puer Tea 8th Annual Tea Tea Tasting Event, Sun Dec 8
Pure Puer Tea 8th Annual Tea Tea Tasting Event, Sun Dec 8

  Please join us for our 8th annual tea tasting event and celebrate the holiday season with fellow tea drinkers. You can stop by any time in between 2-4pm and enjoy a tasting of teas that we don’t always sample at the market, and also see our new teaware.  Items may be purchased at the […]

Pure Puer Tea at University of San Francisco Presentation
Pure Puer Tea at University of San Francisco Presentation

On Nov 18, 2013 Larry gave a presentation at the University of San Francisco at the request of Jillian Smith, peer advisor for the International Studies major at the University of San Francisco (pictured in last slide of slideshow.)  Larry discussed the two main reasons why he became interested in the tea business.  As a […]

1 in 3 Adults Should Take Drugs to Lower Cholesterol, Says Heart Association

This is why people need to be educated about the cholesterol lowering benefits of puer tea:   1 in 3 Adults Should Take Drugs to Lower Cholesterol, Says Heart Association November 13, 2013 (AP) By MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP Chief Medical Writer Associated Press The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology have issued the […]

Pure Puer Tea, James Norwood Pratt at University of San Francisco tea event, Monday, Nov 18, 2013
Pure Puer Tea, James Norwood Pratt at University of San Francisco tea event, Monday, Nov 18, 2013

Join Larry Chin and James Norwood Pratt at the University of San Francisco as they discuss tea history, culture and health benefits at the Maier Room, Fromm Hall, 6-7:30. The event is free and open to the public.

Kate’s Pure Puer Tea Cholesterol Testimonial

Hi Larry! As promised, I am sharing my blood test results after taking the puer tea for 2-3 months at 10 cups per day (now with chia seed). My “bad” cholesterol went from 300 to 232!! My good cholesterol, which was already at a good place, increased from 75 to 76. So, I am very […]

Pure Puer Tea on KRCB radio interview with Michele Anna Jordan’s, “Mouthful” 9-15-13 Sonoma, CA
Pure Puer Tea on KRCB radio interview with Michele Anna Jordan's, "Mouthful" 9-15-13 Sonoma, CA

          If the above player does not appear, or doesn’t work, please click here and wait for the audio file to load. Please be patient as it may take one minute for the file to load.

Pure Puer Tea on live radio Sunday, Sept 15, 7-7:55pm PST “Mouthful” hosted by Michele Anna Jordan

Larry and Yang Su will be speaking live on the radio next Sunday, Sept 15, 7-7:55pm PST on Michele Anna Jordan’s “Mouthful.” We will talking about puer tea and our new concept for weight loss, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar control and more: The radio show info is as follows: Mouthful is broadcast live […]

Lenny Eiger’s testimonial

This has been great! Puer tea is smooth as silk and delicious. I’ve been using the (Mila®) chia seed and (Pure Puer Tea®) puer tea mixture for 6 weeks now. I have diabetes Type 2 and it’s lowered my glucose readings considerably. On average days, my sugar levels now run in the 100-120 range, which […]

Baby Girl Puer Tea Birthday Party in Chengdu
Baby Girl Puer Tea Birthday Party in Chengdu

I am glad that I was invited to a one-year-old girl’s birthday party in Chengdu, China. They use a tea time to celebrate the day of her birth with happiness and love. So many well wishes and so much appreciation. The mom selected a few kinds of old tea tree puer tea for the party. […]

Matthew Peretz’s puer/chia experience

This was Matthew’s response to Larry’s puer/chia post: It is just a pure coincidence that I happened to start eating chia seeds and drinking Puer tea at about the same time, but I found this whole thing amusing because I am also experiencing better than expected rates of weight loss (I had gained 45 lbs […]

A Little Tea House Hideaway in Chengdu
A Little Tea House Hideaway in Chengdu

This time I had a chance to visit a new little tea house in Chengdu. This tea house is hidden in a garden, so most visitors only know about it by word of mouth. It is small but it has many collections to read and browse. There is a thangka of Guanyin that captured my […]

Our August Market Schedule

Dear Friends, Yang Su will leaving for China for 3 weeks. If you have any need, please contact with Larry at 415-924-7837 or email him at Our August market schedule is as follows: WEDNESDAY: 8/28 12-5pm Corte Madera Town Center Mall. SATURDAY: every Saturday 8:30a-1:00p Santa Rosa Original Certified Farmers Market. 2-5:30p Walnut Park […]

Bob Bruce testimonial

Hi Larry, I just wanted to let you know how well the Puer tea and Mila are working for me. For starters I have dropped 8 pounds with no other lifestyle or dietary changes. I think the satisfied feeling I get from my Tea and Mila in the morning is the main reason. I have […]

Larry’s, experience

I began eating chia because it is full of omega 3’s (8x more than Salmon), protein (5x more than kidney beans), fiber (2x more than bran flakes), calcium (6x more than milk), potassium (2x more than bananas), iron (3x more than spinach), manganese , phosphorus (9x more than milk), selenium (4x more than flax seed) […]

Bao Zhong Arrival 2013
Bao Zhong Arrival 2013

  Our 2013 pesticide-free Bao Zhong tea has arrived!  It is one of Taiwan’s most famous teas.  This tea is served in some of the top restaurants in San Francisco, including La Folie, and the Zuni Cafe.  It is a light green tea, in the oolong family.   Bao Zhong is baked soon after picking, […]

Pure Puer Tea at Zuni Cafe, San Francisco
Pure Puer Tea at Zuni Cafe, San Francisco

Please ask for our Puer tea and Bao Zhong tea at the famous Zuni Cafe on Market Street, San Francisco  

Pure Puer Tea at Farmhouse Local
Pure Puer Tea at Farmhouse Local

  Try our Pure Puer Tea iced or hot at the Farm House Local cafe and general store in Larkspur, CA.  You can also take home a bag of our tea to enjoy.

New Yunnan Clay, Yixing Clay and Black Puer Brick
New Yunnan Clay, Yixing Clay and Black Puer Brick

    Hi Friend, As summer arrives we look forward to days of fun, evenings with friends, and time for quiet reflection.  To help you on this journey we have some new Yunnan Clay and Yixing Clay containers for aging your puer, and a new high quality black puer tea brick. 2006 Menghai […]

Pure Puer Tea at the Marin General Hospital Center for Integrative Health and Wellness Cancer Survivor Celebration Thursday May 30, 2013
Pure Puer Tea at the Marin General Hospital Center for Integrative Health and Wellness Cancer Survivor Celebration Thursday May 30, 2013

    According to head Nutritionist of Marin General Sharon Meyer DipION CNC, nutrition tips for cancer survivors: 1) Eat real food: From the periphery of the supermarket Reduce sugar Drink Teas Drink water Increase phytochemicals from vegetables & fruit Eat the right fats-more omega 3’s to omega 6. Add spice 80/20 balance Enjoy food […]

Pure Puer Tea serves tea at the Marin General Hospital Center for Integrative Health and Wellness Cancer Survivor Celebration Thursday May 30, 2013, 5-6pm

Come join Pure Puer Tea as we serve tea at the Marin General Hospital Center for Integrative Health and Wellness Cancer, “Survivor Celebration” Thursday 5-6pm. There will be a discussion “Surviving and Thriving After Cancer” 6-8pm. Cost is free, reservation required. This event is for male or female cancer survivors of any type of cancer. […]

A Pure Puer Tea Cholesterol Testimonial
A Pure Puer Tea Cholesterol Testimonial

  Dear Larry, I want to let you know how much I am enjoying the green puer tea. I also enjoy the black one as well. You are right how smooth the green puer tea tastes, I love it. I drink about 2-3 cups a day. Hot and cold. Just in case you don’t know […]

Pure Puer Tea at the 9th Annual Asian Heritage Street Celebration, Sat May 18th, 11-6
Pure Puer Tea at the 9th Annual Asian Heritage Street Celebration, Sat May 18th, 11-6

Please visit us in the Healthy Living Pavilion – Natural Medicine, Macallister between Polk and Larkin in SF. Look for our green tent with a white banner with red letters “Pure Puer Tea.”

Pure Puer Tea at the 2013 New Living Expo, April 26-28, San Francisco
Pure Puer Tea at the 2013 New Living Expo, April 26-28, San Francisco
Dr Marsha Nunley, MD, recommends Pure Puer Tea for her weight loss/ cholesterol program

  Marsha Nunley, MD H.E.A.L. Medical Corp Dear Marsha,     Happy spring! All of us at H.E.A.L. are enjoying the sunshine and waking our bodies and minds up after the rainy days of late. Patients have been in for regular checkups,  personal “spring cleaning” or for an HCG weight loss protocol evaluation (next program […]

Financial Times Article: Alice Waters says puer tea lowered her cholesterol 100 points

In this article, Alice Waters, the “mother of California cuisine” mentions how puer tea has helped her.   Alice Waters Financial Times Puer Tea

Pure Puer Tea at the 2nd Annual San Francisco International Tea Festival 3-10-13
Pure Puer Tea at the 2nd Annual San Francisco International Tea Festival 3-10-13
Pure Puer Tea at the 2013 San Francisco International Tea Festival 3-10-13
Pure Puer Tea at the 2013 San Francisco International Tea Festival 3-10-13

Pure Puer Tea will be sampling and selling our tea and our Piao I teapots and infuser bottles at the 2nd Annual San Francisco International Tea Festival Sunday, March 10, 10-5, on the 2nd floor of the Ferry Building. Come and join the fun!

Piao I teapot at Hakkasan
Piao I teapot at Hakkasan

Upscale restaurant network Hakkasan, with locations in international cities such as London, New York, San Francisco, Miami, Abu Dabai, Dubai, Doha, Mumbai, and soon to be locations at the Las Vegas MGM Grand and LA, use the Piao I teapot to brew and serve at their restaurants. Pure Puer Tea/ Piao I USA is the […]

Our Farmer’s Market schedule for the month of February

Yang Su is in Asia for the month of February, so we will not be at the Mill Valley Farmer’s market during the month of February. Pure Puer Tea will be at the Corte Madera Market every Wednesday as usual, except February 13, as well as the Sausalito Farmer’s Market every Sunday. Our website is […]

Adolfo from J&J Farms: Pure Puer Tea helps with weight loss, cholesterol and energy
Adolfo from J&J Farms:   Pure Puer Tea helps with weight loss, cholesterol and energy

As a farmer, husband, and father, I often find myself in constant battle with time. Being up and about from place to place disrupts my energy level and my eating habits. I have noticed a major difference in my cholesterol, fatigue, and weight since I have been drinking Pure Puer Tea. I really couldn’t have […]

La Folie, San Francisco, serves Pure Puer Tea
La Folie, San Francisco, serves Pure Puer Tea

Ask for our Puer, Bao Zhong, or herbal Hari Tea at the famous La Folie restaurant San Francisco, 2316 Polk St., between Green and Union. Here Larry and Yang Su visit with Master Chef Roland Passot, co-owner of La Folie. Chef Roland, and his brother, wine director George Passot, personally selected the teas. (4 pictures) […]

Tamalpais Community Acupuncture Center Advocates Pure Puer Tea Instead of Coffee
Tamalpais Community Acupuncture Center Advocates Pure Puer Tea Instead of Coffee

This is an image of the newsletter sent by the Tamalpais Comnunity Acupuncture Center. To read the actual newsletter, click here: Tam Acupuncture Newsletter

Norma Believes Pure Puer Tea Helps Improve Circulation for her Reynaud’s Syndrome
Norma Believes Pure Puer Tea Helps Improve Circulation for her Reynaud's Syndrome

I am really enjoying my puer tea. After being a lifelong black tea drinker I have noticed an improvement in my health since I started drinking 5 or 6 cups of puer tea a day. I have a condition called Reynaud’s syndrome where my fingers turn white and go numb in the cold. It started […]

Pure Puer Tea and Marin General Hospital Health Benefits of Tea Presentation
Pure Puer Tea and Marin General Hospital Health Benefits of Tea Presentation

We encourage you to watch this fascinating presentation to learn about the many health benefits of tea. The video may be viewed fullscreen by clicking on the full screen symbol on the bottom right of the video player. –>

Pure Puer Tea at Archimedes Banya
Pure Puer Tea at Archimedes Banya

Archimedes Banya in San Francisco is now serving and offering a limited selection of Pure Puer Tea for you to take home.  

Pure Puer Tea at Archimedes Banya Spa in San Francisco, Sat, Dec 7, at about 5:45pm
Pure Puer Tea at Archimedes Banya Spa in San Francisco, Sat, Dec 7, at about 5:45pm

We look forward to seeing you at the beautiful Archimedes Banya Spa in San Francisco. Larry and Yang Su, owners of Pure Puer Tea, will be sampling tea. Banya now carries a limited selection of our tea, and it may be purchased at the restaurant. Come enjoy the spa, have a massage, and enjoy healthy, […]

Pure Puer Tea Online Holiday Sale 10% off till midnight PST Dec 20.
Pure Puer Tea Online Holiday Sale 10% off till midnight PST Dec 20.

    Pure Puer Tea 10% holiday discount on all online orders till midnight Dec 20 PST.  As always, free shipping for orders of $100 or more shipped in the US.  Both rewards exclude shipping and taxes. Just visit us online, shop, and save.  No discount codes needed.  Discount will automatically be applied in the […]

Marin General Hospital Center for Integrative Health and Wellness and Pure Puer Tea Event 12-6-12
Marin General Hospital Center for Integrative Health and Wellness and Pure Puer Tea Event 12-6-12

(text version) Holiday Tea December 6, 2012 4:00pm – 6:30pm (Tea lecture 5:30pm – 6:00pm) Center for Integrative Health & Wellness (Lobby Atrium) 1350 S. Eliseo Drive, Greenbrae, CA, 94904 Please join us as we celebrate friendship, life, and the holiday season! Learn the history, traditions and healing properties of tea while we sample a […]

Acupuncturist Amie Nelson and Pure Puer Tea
Acupuncturist Amie Nelson and Pure Puer Tea

  In Chinese Medicine we understand coffee to be more Yang. It’s internally warming and it disperses and scatters energy (or Qi) in the body. Coffee consumption causes the kidney’s adrenal glands to release adrenalin, producing a temporary increased energy high, but eventually a down-cycle of fatigue later in the day. Over time, excess coffee […]

Drinking Pure Puer Tea stops arthritic knee and ankle pain for Mama, from Mama’s African Kitchen
Drinking Pure Puer Tea stops arthritic knee and ankle pain for Mama, from Mama's African Kitchen

  My name is Marian.  I am also known as Mama, from Mama’s African Kitchen.  About 3 years ago the doctor told me that I had arthritis in my knees and in my ankle.  I used to take an Advil when the pain became too great. About 3 weeks ago, I started drinking Pure Puer […]

Pure Puer Tea for Arthritis – An Athlete’s Perspective
Pure Puer Tea for Arthritis - An Athlete's Perspective

  I started drinking Pure Puer Tea after being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’m doing so well now that I’m now running half marathons and doing Olympic distance Triathlons:) I take other medications but I feel like my improvement has ties to the tea. I take the lowest possible doses of medication now… anti inflammatories […]

Invitation to 7th Annual Pure Puer Tea Puer Tea Tasting Event Nov 3, 2012
Invitation to 7th Annual Pure Puer Tea Puer Tea Tasting Event Nov 3, 2012

  Hi Friend, You and a friend or family member are invited to attend Pure Puer Tea’s 7th Annual Puer Tea Tasting Event.   We invite you to enjoy our tea selections, complimented by delicious food.  We look forward to seeing you, meeting new friends, sharing experiences, listening to great music and drinking tea. We are […]

Yang Su, Larry and Sunny Tea Time
Yang Su, Larry and Sunny Tea Time

Larry took these pictures of Yang Su as we enjoyed tea with our new friend Sunny, who is originally from Beijing.

Shanghai English Tea Time
Shanghai English Tea Time

  In Shanghai,  there are so many places serving English tea time.  Each place has its own character.  It was raining on this day.  The food and tea were was so delicious that it made me forget to take more pictures. I even forgot to take a picture of the the Hwung Pu river.  

Sinan Mansions, Shanghai
Sinan Mansions, Shanghai

Afternoon tea in Shanghai: This beautiful place was French colony in 1920. It is called Sinan Mansions .  In busy Shanghai, this is a nice place have a tea time and talk with friends.  They serve Chinese style and European style afternoon tea.  They also serve coffee.  

Chengdu, China Tea House
Chengdu, China Tea House

Every time I visit Chengdu, I always have a new discovery. In the City, I visited a beautiful tea house. It is hidden in a alley on the 2nd floor. If I had not followed a friend there, I would have never seen it. They have many rooms. Each room all has its own personalty […]

A Real Puer Tea Weight Loss Success Story
A Real Puer Tea Weight Loss Success Story

    On January 23, 2012, my Chinese New Year’s resolution was to do something for myself and go on a diet. I have always eaten healthy organic foods, but I needed to do something different. My starting weight was 153 pounds. To put things in perspective, before I had my two kids, my normal […]

Pure Puer Tea and Michael Mina Restaurant San Francisco
Pure Puer Tea and Michael Mina Restaurant San Francisco

We would like to announce that Michael Mina Restaurant San Francisco will be using our puer tea for cooking. Michael Mina Restaurant is located at 252 California St., in the heart of the financial district. Michael Mina was named restaurant of the year by Esquire Magazine 2011 and is a Michelin star rated restaurant.

Xian Muslim food (April 14, 2012)
Xian Muslim food (April 14, 2012)

Tonight is my last night in Xian. I went to a Muslim street. Here you can see so many Muslim foods.

Shannxxi History Museum (April 12)
Shannxxi History Museum (April 12)


Tao Temple (April 7, 2012)
Tao Temple (April 7, 2012)

Today Chengdu is raining. Chengdu is a Tao city. My friend and I have a chance to visit a Tao temple. It take 2 hours to drive there. I was lucky to meet master Yang who is the leader for the Tao people in all of China. I can not imagine if I am in […]

Xian Walls
Xian Walls
Jin Wong Tea Store, Kunming, Yunnan (April 6, 2012)
Jin Wong Tea Store, Kunming, Yunnan (April 6, 2012)
Jin-Li in Chengdu (April 6, 2012)
Jin-Li in Chengdu (April 6, 2012)

I have come back to Chengdu and I decided to take a break. I visited a place call Jin-Li in the city. Take a look what do they have. I had a cup of coffee in Starbucks in very Chinese style furniture.  

Pure Puer Tea April 2012 Yunnan Clay Trip by Yang Su
Pure Puer Tea April 2012 Yunnan Clay Trip by Yang Su